Well, here is my first news post. I came to Newgrounds about a year ago and have never had much to write about. That has not changed. But if I learned anything from reading Charles Dickens in school, it's that you don't have to have something to write about in order to write.
I've recently cleaned out some of my less stunning musical pieces. I left my first ever piece (Into Faded Gray) up there, just for the reflection of me and my friend sitting around a new computer putting some out of key loops together. But heh, it sounded kind of nice.
I go far out of my way to get to the coldest water fountains at my school.
Then there were, of course, the video game loops #'s 1 and 2, which fit their purpose. Just chill there and give the ear something meh-tastic to listen to while they choose whether or not to click 'tutorial', be brave and click 'play', or be smart and click 'close'.
The farmer's almanac is actually a pretty good read.
Then there were Buzz in our Ears and Metamorphosis, experimental songs for Classical and D'n'B respectively. Not much to say about them.
Role models are important. For mine, I chose Joan of Arc. I mean, if you can inspire French people to fight, you have a lot going for you.
Finally, we arrive at my trance creations 'The Stars Sleep Alone' and 'Shift. Control.', of which I am proudest. Trance has recently been my most beloved genre (got into Above & Beyond's Trance Around the World, which hooked me), and so to finally create some decent sounding pieces was a big bonus for myself. The Stars Sleep Alone is complete, and serves its purpose, while 'Shift. Control.' if by no means finished yet. Actually, I'm heading off right after this post to go work on it some more. Most of the work I have planned is in extending the end in order to make it a full trance song. It's going to be kind of tricky to create a melo to follow up the epic build I have, but I just be able to make it happen.
Anyways, that's about all I have to say. Just felt that it was time for me to make a little news post. See you guys around,